
Thursday, 6 December 2018

The summer learning journey prep one

The Summer Learning Journey Prep One


The name of the capital city Canberra 
The population of the capital 24.2 million people
In January the weather in the capital city is usually is winter
The capital city is located in the west of new Zealand
The languages most commonly spoken in the city are English

I really enjoy it learning all the facts about Australia. And learning about Australia more. I find it hard to look through the city's or to find one I want to do learn about. there we're ten city to choose form. I hope you will comment on my blog I would love you too. I would visit Australia because one of friend is there my other reason is my dream holiday to visit my friend's that over there. I would love you to comment on my blog why would you would live there or go there for a holiday.

Friday, 30 November 2018

Murder mystery - Death in the Orchestra

Today we have finish are Murder Mystery-Death in the Orchestra we're trying to find out who MURDER Mark !!! he was the cornet player someone in the list we got given we're a suspect. The person who killed Mark was Malcolm there was 32 people in the Orchestra the order got given was blue, yellow, green, orange and white. It was puzzle trying to figure it out . I Hope you enjoy what I did and posting I would love to you post a comment.  on my blog.

Friday, 23 November 2018

The summer learning journey 2018-2019

The summer learning journey is when you are doing in the school holiday when school is over. their are topic's it is land sea air and sustainability it is going to help are learning if we do it because if we don't we are learning is going to lose are learning if we do it are learning will go up or stay where we are.

 if I ever win I would like a horse poster, amazon gift card,BFF horse necklace.

Image result for bff horse necklace   Image result for horse posterImage result for amazon gift card

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Information Report Extreme Weather

This week We have been Information Reports About Egypt or Extreme weather And I choose Extreme weather about lightning It has been hard to get the information.  And it was easy to write it down This week We have been Information Reports About Egypt or Extreme weather And I choose Extreme weather about lightning It has been hard to get the information. And it was easy to write it down.


Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Maths questions - Tyres

In Maths we have been learning about Maths questions from a picture first we look at the picture. Then we asked questions that we wanted to find I found it hard to count all of the tyres . I found it easy to write the questions down

Thursday, 8 November 2018

For Health we have been learning about keeping yourself clean. The first thing we did was we watched a video about the  importance of brushing your teeth. We had to create a slideshow to teach kids to brush their teeth. I loved making the slideshow because I love kids learning more things. It was challenging to make the slideshow because we had to make the images from scratch but I love making it. And remember to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night. and for 2 minutes each time you clean your teeth. I would love you to comment on my blog about have you ever taught a kid to learn how to brush their teeth.       

Thursday, 25 October 2018

boss or Leader

In life Education we are learning about Relationship and being with other people. We have done activities in the life Education Bus. We have watch a video about where all the people were the same and I learnt It is good to be different then other people because we would do all the same stuff and the word would be boring. And we  did a Personality  Test and I was a golden retriever.
We learnt the a different between a boss and a leader. we had to match up the sentence of a leader to the opposite of a boss .

Friday, 28 September 2018

How to make a quality blog comment

This week I have doing a slideshow how to make a quality blog comment. It was hard doing it but I enjoy doing the work. And I love doing this kind of work. I would love you to add a comment on my blog.

Friday, 14 September 2018


Past the few weeks I have been learning about weather words.  with my syndicate I will do a ex simple
How is the weather ? oh it is windy . how we did it.  We went a few days learning the words then we did the lines to say the slide show.

Calendar art

For calendar art this Week we have learnt to blend colors with paint. I really enjoy painting but I found it difficult to get the crisp lines. First we sketch the outline. Then we started at the top. Then we worked down. 

Friday, 31 August 2018

School prototype badge's

Theys are my prototype for are school because we have looking for new S.H.S badge and I have making badges there blue badge, withe badge, and replace for trusted kid  Te manu tukutuku weka and my other literacy budy have been working on badge to and I think they have done a great good on it and I will catch next with badge are going I have been working on choir, kapa kaka badge.

Weather forcast

Tomorrow in the afternoon I predict that there is going to be a little bit of rain and it is going to be windy

Emma's Anthology

This is my anthology for writing and I have been working on it for the past terms and putting poems in my anthology . And I would love you to put a comment on my blog for my anthology 

All About Me Hexagons

This is my All me about hexagons I did this for people to know more And this was my all me about hexagons I would love you to make a comment
on this.

maori - weather

We have been learning about clouds past the weeks and this is how the clouds go in. This is the cycle for clouds when the clouds get to heavy its lets the rain out and that's is a cycle

save the Maui dolphins

Today my reading group had to do a poster about  Maui dolphins. This is my poster about Maui dolphins we want to try and save them and not fish around them.Comment other things about Maui dolphins.

Monday, 20 August 2018

butterfly life cycle

In reading we are learning about butterfly life cycle. We have read about the butterfly that we had to blog about it. So I have made a life cycle about butterfly and I have added in same facts . 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

What type of food do you like to eat Parties ??

What type of food do you eat at parties 
in Math we have been doing Different type of graphs. We had to make a graphs about parties foods with my group about parties foods 

Friday, 10 August 2018

Kapa haka

Last Friday we had day called celebration of learning. The whole school started normally until morning tea. Then the Story tellers sung to us. They sung "We are going to be friends", "Perfect", "Chasing cars" and "Rockabilly Rebel". After that we got to eat. I ate cake. Then we went to the playground. I went on the climbing wall. Then the ball rang then we went to the hall again to watch. The junior to perform when that was done the ball rang the whole school had lunch. the whole went to get the hangi. after eating the hangi the kapa kaka went to put are dress on to perform. And I I'm in the back and the choir in the front because they have less for the kapa haka  I love to perform.

Pizza Maths

Pizza Maths 

With Mrs S we did Fractions. we made a pizza base and put our topping on it. we then had to work out what fractions of each topping we had.   

Wednesday, 1 August 2018


This is what I know about weather Please comment and share your knowledge about weather so I gain more information for my learning. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

measurement Estimate

In math's we are learning about measurement. Today we learnt about meters first we wrote item in the class that we thought were about a meters. Next I measured then with a ruler I then I had to work out the different between my guess and the actual measurement. it was hard but I enjoy doing it. 

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Paper Aeroplanes - Measurement

In math we have been learning about Measurement. we have been learning how to e
stimate and Measure I made a paper plane my teacher marked out a runway with measure tape first estimate how far my plane would go. I estimated 4m it actually flew 2.5 I found it hard to make the air a plane because I did't know how to make air planes and I enjoy guesting I love it .

Friday, 25 May 2018

moon fact's

Today I have been doing moon fact's this week I have been enjoying the pass week doing these moon facts it's been hard and easy but I have enjoyed it .

Monday, 21 May 2018

measurement All about me

This week I have been doing learning about measurement.
 I have found it is hard to do some body parts  with the ruler so I use the tap measure.
I measured with myself using cm. 
What I found hard was and not easy like lips thighs, eyes.
We use cm not km because it to long. 

Friday, 4 May 2018

Using our people power - make their day

Today we talked about how we cam make people's days During this week I will make people days by

. Doing big and small things to make people's days.

Being kind to one and another.

 Give people a big smile in the morning

. Give someone a Compliment

I will catch up with up you next week to let you know how I got on.

This I made by helping my Mom by doing the dishing for tea and cleaning my mom car inside and out slide and I made someone smile. It makes me happy and warm inside.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Anzac Day Feelings

Today I have been learning about World War 1. We looked at some documents from WW1. I found it hard to get facts about the scroll  but I like learning about War World 1 facts. My own facts. My  great grandad went to war Scotland and my great grandma too. I hope you enjoy my Slide show about ww1. I would love  you too comment on my blog     

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

How Many Blocks ?

In Maths  We have been looking at shapes. we had to work out how many cubes were in a picture.
can you work out how many cubes are in the picture ?

Friday, 9 March 2018

The Door in the Wall

We look at a picture an thought critically about it We used lots of reflective questions  to think about the picture.

Friday, 2 March 2018

Being Responsible with Chromebooks

In Cybersmart I have been learning about being responsible with Chromebooks First we put our Prior. knowledge on a pallet . Then we buddies up and created a info-graphic about being responsible. With ch Chromebooks
I found it hard to put in sine we known alot about being safe with Chromebooks.
